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How to build a Stegosaurus Ball Run

How to build a Stegosaurus Ball Run

By Jarmila Smejkalova

Have a dinosaur lover at home? We’ve got you covered! In this blog, we’re exploring a project that promises to ignite the imaginations of kids everywhere: the Stegosaurus Ball Run. With its combination of hands-on construction and the thrill of watching balls roll through a prehistoric-inspired maze, this build is sure to captivate young minds. Join us as we delve into the excitement and wonder of building a CONNETIX Stegosaurus Ball Run following this step-by-step instruction.

Magnetic Tiles

  • 18 Square tiles
  • 2 x 4-Square rectangles
  • 3 x 3-Square rectangles
  • 3 x 2-Square rectangles
  • 6 Equilateral triangles
  • 10 Pentagons
  • 4 Rhombis
  • 2 Trapezoids
  • 2 Right-angle triangles
  • 5 Small right-angle triangles
  • 2 Small equilateral triangles

Magnetic Tiles

  • 18 Square tiles
  • 2 x 4-Square rectangles
  • 3 x 3-Square rectangles
  • 3 x 2-Square rectangles
  • 6 Equilateral triangles
  • 10 Pentagons
  • 4 Rhombis
  • 2 Trapezoids
  • 2 Right-angle triangles
  • 5 Small right-angle triangles
  • 2 Small equilateral triangles

Step-by-step guide

Step 1:

Start by building the legs of your dinosaur, forming the back leg with four square tiles and the front leg with three square tiles, plus a 2-square rectangle.

Step 2:

Now start shaping the ball run by connecting a 3-square rectangle and a 2-square rectangle together, then position above the two legs. Add one 4-square rectangle to the back side, then form the first slope by placing two right-angle triangles parallel together with one square tile connected between.

Step 3:

Close the front side with a 4-square rectangle and lay a 3-square rectangle on top.

Step 4:

Continue by forming the shape of the dino with three equilateral triangles in the middle and one right-angle triangle at the back end. Place one trapezoid and one rhombus for the neck, plus one small equilateral triangle and one rhombus for the tail. Connect one square tile with the right-angle triangle at the back end to make a slope. 

Step 5:

Place a 2-square rectangle for the neck of the dinosaur, this will help give more support to the head.  Then add one small right-angle triangle to the base of the tail to make the construction sturdier.

Step 6:

Close the front side of the dino to mirror the back: using three equilateral triangles in the middle, one trapezoid and one rhombus for the neck, one right-angle triangle for the back, plus one rhombus and one small equilateral triangle for the tail. Add one small right-angle triangle for the tail-end.

Step 7:

Now close the top by placing one 3-square rectangle and two square tiles over the back and neck of the dino

Step 8:

We are almost there! Build a dinosaur head with five square tiles forming a cube, connect the open side of the cube to the neck of the dino.

Step 9:

Build the last slope with a pentagon and a square tile at the back of the dino.

Step 10:

Now add colourful spikes to your stegosaurus – you must alternate the pentagon openings to get a solid build.

Step 11:

Only the last detail remains to finish! Add a small right-angle triangle and a square tile to form the tail. Now it’s time to have fun with your stegosaurus ball run!

You’re all done building this cool Stegosaurus Ball Run! We can’t wait to see your version of it. Or perhaps you will discover a new species to add to our CONNETIX Dino family. Don’t forget to share your creations with us!

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